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Acrylic Tweezer Holder

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This covered Acrylic Tweezer Holder is the perfect lash cart addition to keep your beloved tools of the trade safe, clean, and sanitary between uses. Complete with eight slots for tweezers so you can consistently keep four pairs at the ready.
How to use:
Always sanitise tweezers before placing them back in the holder.
Lid case protects them from the environment before next use. 

Safe & handy way to store your precious lash tweezers and tools after sterilisation, while drying. Also helpful for the tools you wish to immediately use during application, If your anything like our Aussie educators they can use up to 3 volume tweezer styles & 2 isolaters for crafting the perfect inner outer & mid lash line per client. 100% of the time 2 tweezers per client is just not enough. (yes we know its more sterilising work... however not every style is great for every fan you wish to create or angle of placement, reduce fatigue have options & this is the perfect way to work with options)