SHOP NOW - Superhero 5ml & 10ml
SHOP NOW - Everlasting 3ml & 5ml
SHOP NOW - Invisible genius 5ml
Subscriptions are only recommended for customers that have already used this item. If you have not used this item, we strongly suggest that you try a one-time purchase, prior to subscribing.
Minimum subscription period is 60 days. A 30-day cancellation notice is required. Opened items may not be returned.
Please e-mail to make any changes to your subscription.
How do I subscribe?
You can subscribe to an item by going to the item's product page on We currently are offering subscriptions for 5 of our adhesives and will be launching subscriptions for more items in the near future!
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, you may cancel by emailing and requesting for your subscription to be canceled. Minimum subscription period is 60 days. A 30-day cancellation notice is required. Opened items may not be returned.
Can I modify my subscription?
If you would like to change day of the month, item or the frequency that your adhesive ships or to cancel any time, please log in at the top or bottom of this page with your email or phone number used on your subscription order, if you have any troubles accessing your subscription account please contact us via email and we can make any changes for you.
How will I be charged each month?
The credit/debit card that you use when you place your initial order for the subscription will be charged each month on the date of your order. For example, if your initial order is placed on April 5th, then on the 5th of each month, your card will be charged.